A Gun Totin' Bristol Palin is Living in Sin with Hubby-To-Be


The girl who told millions of American teens to save it for marriage is living in sin with her soon-to-be hubby. But don't call her a hypocrite; she's got a gun!

In a textbook case of "do what I say, not what I do," Bristol Palin, America's self-anointed/appointed "Ambassador for Abstinence," is living in sin (or Kentucky to be more precise) with her new fianc�. And what better way to kick off shacking up with her soon-to-be (but not yet) hubby, than and old fashioned shootin' party, Wonkette reports.

A social media post of a Daisy Duke clad Bristol in a field firing some sort of automatic rifle loud enough to warrant her wearing headphones is making the retweet circuit. Here's the caption:

myself and @bsmp2 celebrating our first week living together in ky by shooting our @warsport #lvoa today!! #sundayshooting #america #shesthebest #kentucky #boltsup #lifecouldntbebetter @rangerup #neveroutgunned #rangerup

Last month, Palin announced her engagement to 26-year-old Afghanistan war vet and Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer. The Washington Post points out that the couple met when Meyer flew to Alaska to film an episode of Sarah Palin's "Amazing America." It was reported in March, she put her 3,200 square foot Wasilla, Alaska, bachelorette pad on the market and stands to make nearly $200,000 in profit from the sale.

Palin first came to the public eye in 2008, as the 17-year-old unwed mother of conservative Christian half-term governor of Alaska and failed GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Since being thrust into the spotlight, the younger Palin has become the "Ambassador for Abstinence" and was paid a reported $262,500 by the Candie's Foundation to speak out against teen pregnancy.

"Abstinence is the only way you can effectively 100 percent prevent pregnancy. It's the safest choice and it will prevent teen pregnancy and a lot of heartache," Palin said on ABC's "Good Morning America" in 2009.

In 2012, Palin expanded her "keep it in your pants" brand to include a stance against same-sex marriage, and blasted President Obama for saying his daughters Sasha and Malia's acceptance of friends with gay parents helped prompt his "change in perspective" on the issue.

"In this case, it would've been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that's not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage." Palin published on her ghostwritten blog. "Or that - as great as her friends may be - we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids' worldview."

This all begs the question: if her views on abstinence in 2009 led to her living in sin in 2015, can we expect her 2012 views on marriage equality to lead to a torrid lesbian affair in 2018? Only time will tell.


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