Only in Florida: Twins Arrested for Wal-Mart Refund Scam


A pair of Florida sisters proved that stupidity is indeed genetic last week when they were arrested at a Clermont Wal-Mart for attempting to return over $340 worth of baby merchandise for a refund without ever having paid for the items.

According to The Daily Commercial, twin sister Bonisha and Bonita Kinloch, 27, were charged with felony retail theft on Monday March 14 after they filled a shopping cart with baby items for which they wanted to get a refund. When they were denied the refund they walked out of the Wal-Mart with the merchandise.

According to the arrest report, the twins attempted to get a refund on a $199 baby stroller, a $70 baby swing and two $35 bundles of diapers, but the refund was turned down because they had a history of returning items at that store without a receipt. They then tried to leave the store with the items but were escorted back inside.

When police arrived on the scene, store security showed them a surveillance video of the women placing the items in an empty shopping cart before attempting to get their "refund."

As of last week, they remained in the Lake County jail in lieu of $2,000 bond.


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