Texas Preacher Wants Death Penalty for Two Gay Men, Preacher who Supports them
Dillon Awes Source: YouTube

Texas Preacher Wants Death Penalty for Two Gay Men, Preacher who Supports them


A Texas preacher is calling for the death penalty to be used on two gay men invited to do a sermon and the pastor who invited them. The Advocate reports that "Dillon Awes, a hate preacher based in Watauga, recently attacked the head of a local megachurch for inviting two married gay men to deliver a sermon. Awes said that Pastor Charles Andrew Stanley, who founded the nondenominational evangelical North Point Ministries, and the two men should be put to death."

"Now there's f****ts behind the pulpit!... These f****ts should get a bullet in their brain!... They should get the death penalty, not be preaching behind the pulpit," he said.

"What a nice guy Andy Stanley is. What a nice guy you are for letting children in your congregation be abused by pedophiles," Awes said. "How nice of all the pastors today that are enabling sexual predators in their church to harm people permanently, to scar them for life, to hurt them spiritually, because you just want to be nice. Well, you know what? Go to Hell, Andy Stanley, and every single pastor like you – go to Hell."

Awes called the men "sodomites" numerous times and said the two men wanted to "defile children with [their] message," accusing them of being "pedophiles" with no evidence. He also claimed being exposed to the LGBTQ lifestyle is "harmful" to children.

"Now they're behind the pulpit. Why? Because of nice guys like Andy Stanley that won't say what needs to be said, which is that these guys should get a bullet in their brain, that they should get the death penalty not be preaching behind the pulpit," Awes continued.

Awes made similar remarks in a sermon two years ago in which he said queer people "should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head."

This is not the first time Awes has called for violence against LGBTQ+ people using his platform – he delivered a sermon in 2022 using many of the same phrases, including saying queer people "should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head."

Awes is the preacher at the Steadfast Baptist Church, which is not affiliated with any organizations. In 2015 the Southern Poverty Law Center designates the organization as a hate group.

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